TMG Asia leaped in to help UNI (Universal Network Intelligence) of Malaysia when they required as a matter of urgency a lecturer to carry out a tanker vetting course in Bangkok Thailand in mid April. Our John W Bussell, Director of The Maritime Group Asia and Director of TMG holding company J B Inspections Pty Ltd of Singapore, who is an accredited vetting surveyor and SIRE auditor has completed seminars on the subject matter many times, acting together with Captain Sanjiv Seghals of Mumbai.
The Maritime Group (International) group of companies can offer a number of short courses on many maritime subjects. We are in great demand for running courses on the “MLC” and “Management of Rest Hours Aboard Ships”. M W Parrott our Managing Director in London lectures on cruise, ferries and high speed craft operations at London City University for their MSc course in maritime studies.
Should you or you clients wish for seminars or individual training sessions to organised, please contact us.