TMG wins successful ISO 9001 re-accreditation

TMG wins successful ISO 9001 re-accreditation

Our commitment to excellence has been recognised with ISO 9001 re-accreditation.

We were re-awarded the International Organization for Standardisation certification following a third-party audit and rigorous interviews.


The ISO 9001 is an international hallmark of excellence for the quality of our services and operations.

By achieving the certification, we are able to demonstrate to our customers and suppliers that our systems meet the high standards set out by the International Organization for Standardisation.

Our Managing Director Malcolm Parrott said: “Our commitment to excellence is the driving force at TMG and we are delighted with the re-accreditation.

“It comes as our business continues to grow with new appointments of expert consultants and exciting contract wins which mean we are busier than ever.

“We will use this re-accreditation as the springboard for further development of our company and to demonstrate our excellent credentials to new and returning clients.”

The ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 163 national standards bodies.

It was founded in 1947 ‘to facilitate the international coordination and unification of industrial standards’.

The ISO has published 21,769 international standards and related documents, covering almost every industry, from technology, to food safety, to agriculture and healthcare.

External certification bodies carry out assessments and audits to ensure an organisation or business meets the required standards.

Today it has members from 163 countries and 786 technical bodies.

The organisation is based in Geneva, Switzerland where it employs 135 people.

Contact our Business Development Director Kevin Hawes at for more about our ISO 9001 status and what that means when you do business with us.

WANTED: Small global maritime companies/consulting groups or individual consultants to join The Maritime Group International as Franchisees.

To schedule an initial discussion, please email us, detailing your availability to talk/meet and a brief resume of background, experience and qualifications.

All Franchisees taken on board will be expected to comply with The Maritime Group International standards and comply with our ISO 9001 accreditation.




We’re delighted to announce that we have successfully gained international recognition for the quality of our services and operations with the International Organisation for Standardisation’s ISO 9001 certification.

ISO 9001 is recognised worldwide as the international benchmark for quality within an organisation.


By achieving its ISO 9001 certification, we are able to demonstrate to our customers and suppliers that our systems meet the high standards set out by the International Organisation for Standardisation.

ISO 9001

To gain the ISO 9001 certification, we had to demonstrate our dedication and commitment to meeting our customers’ needs – operating efficient management processes and delivering consistent, good quality products and services.

TMG managing director Malcolm Parrott said: “Our commitment to excellence is the driving force for success at TMG.

“We are delighted to meet the rigorous standards of the ISO 9001. It is a further demonstration of our quality for all of our clients, partners and business associates.”

“The ISO certification will allow us to continue to grow the business as we go from strength to strength in the years ahead.”

An external audit will be carried out annually by a third party to ensure our systems are maintained and any non-conformances are noted for correction.

The ISO accreditation was gained through by ISO consultancy and quality management specialist QMS International.

QMS auditor Jerry Martin said: “On completion of the compliance audit, I found all documentation to be in good order and well recorded and in keeping with the requirements of the standard.

“The staff headed by Malcolm W Parrott, managing director, demonstrated commitment to continual improvement and customer satisfaction.

“During the audit the team were very motivated and enthusiastic about their business and its future, showing a true interest and commitment to meeting the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2008 Standard.

“The quality of their customer and project files was exceptional and I was particularly impressed with the presentation of their tender applications.”

TMG is a world-class maritime services company and consultancy providing an extensive range of business solutions, advice and support for clients of all kinds engaged in maritime related projects.

Established in Seattle in 1990, we have offices worldwide.