Focus shifts to coastal security with TMG

Focus shifts to coastal security with TMG


Attention has increasingly focused on coastal security since TMG’s presentation to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Maritime and Ports.

Together with our joint venture partners State 21, we raised the key issues of concern to high-profile members of the Group at Westminster.

Coverage has appeared across the media, with the latest in Dockyard Magazine/Marine and Renewables Journal.

The article tells of our presentation at Parliament and the next steps.

You can read more here.

We’ll keep you updated about coastal security concerns.

Please contact us for all of your security needs – whether that is ashore, on board ship or in port.

The Maritime Group (International) Limited and Joint Venture partner, State21 Limited will jointly be appearing on Monday 5th December 2016, in front of members of both houses of Parliament  at the Palace of Westminster with a presentation on ‘How secure is our coastline? A collective approach’.

Further details to follow.