Former British First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Nigel R Essenhigh GCB DL has hailed TMG’s new maritime security partnerships with State 21 Ltd and Bowline Defence Ltd.
He said: “In today’s world of increasing uncertainty it is good to see The Maritime Group International concentrating a broad range of marine and port security services under its banner.
“TMG have enhanced their own security offering by bringing in State 21 Ltd and aligning with the international security provider Bowline Defence Ltd, both UK registered companies.
“I know the TMG partners through the Honourable Company of Master Mariners as two of the directors are Liverymen (one a Past Master) and one of their UK offices is in HQS Wellington.
“I can thoroughly recommend the professionalism and ethos of those directors and I share their vision to provide a range of flexible and responsive security services in today’s rapidly changing world.”