TMG boosts firepower

TMG boosts firepower

From left, Les Chapman, Richard Roland, Malcolm Parrott, Mark Taylor, Tony Birr of TMG and State 2

TMG has significantly bolstered its specialist services by joining forces with two security and risk management companies.

We have teamed up with State 21 Limited and Bowline Defence Limited as demand rises for global maritime security support.

It marks further expansion and boosts our Maritime Risk Consulting Division.

Leading risk management and security services company Bowline Defence is based in London with operations worldwide.

Resilience management consultancy, State 21 brings nearly 100 years of police experience on and off the water.


bill-anonsenOur Managing Partner in the United States has been appointed to a committee of a highly influential maritime organization in the United States.

William (Bill) Anonsen, who is Managing Partner/Principal of TMG Pacific, has joined the Merchant Marine Affairs Committee of the Navy League of the U.S.

Bill, who is a Lifetime Member of the Navy League, was welcomed by committee Chairman Jonathan D. Kaskin.

The Navy League of the U.S. was founded in 1902 and provides a powerful voice in favor of strong sea services from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine.   Bill stressed the continued importance of merchant mariners and our marine transportation system.

“Today and in the future, as in the past, we depend on our maritime services to help ensure our security, promote and protect our prosperity, and advance the universal hope of freedom.“

“We honor the proud tradition and history of our marine transportation system and the merchant mariners who have and continue to proudly serve and recognize their important contributions in strengthening our global economy.”

“For our merchant mariners who serve aboard these vessels, this is a meritorious responsibility and one that is taken very seriously. Their work provides jobs and economic benefits to our individual nations, and strengthens our economy.”

george_brook_johnson_2Tributes have been paid following the passing of one of our leading lights.

Captain George Brook Johnson, who was Managing Partner and Principal at The Maritime Group Ltd (TMG), crossed the bar after a long fight against cancer.

Capt Johnson, who was TMG’s representative for Australasia, spent 49 years at sea after graduating as a cadet from the New Zealand Shipping Company in 1961.

Malcolm Parrott, who is TMG Managing Director and Executive Vice-President, said: “All at TMG are deeply saddened by Brook’s death and our sincerest sympathies go to his family.”

Capt John M Cox, TMG President, said: “Brook was an extremely valuable and very popular member of the TMG team.

“He played a pivotal role in making TMG the success it is today and will be very sorely missed by all and I am deeply upset by his passing.”

Bill Anonsen, Managing Director of TMG Pacific, added: “Brook will be missed by the many people whose lives he touched both professionally and personally.”

John W Bussell, lately TMG representative and Managing Partner in Singapore but now attached to TMG Europe in London, said: “I am sure Brook will be deeply missed within the shipping community where he was respected and more especially by his family.”

All at TMG send our condolences to Brook’s wife Anne and family at their home in Brisbane, Australia.